How Can We Help offers a wide array of Individual Bookkeeping Services, from Professional & Family Bookkeeping, Senior Citizen Bookkeeping, Significant Life Changes, along with Sports & Entertainment Bookkeeping. Free up your personal time by trusting us to help you organize personal bills, payments, mortgages, taxes, or whatever life throws at you.

Professional & Family Bookkeeping

Those who manage a business or professional practice on a full time basis, often leave little time or energy for managing the ongoing details of their personal finances. We can help you!

Senior Citizen Bookkeeping

With our elder care services, you get the help of a caring, honest and knowledgeable professional. Someone on your team, looking out for your loved one’s best interest.

Significant Life Changes Bookkeeping

There are major changes in the circumstances of life that present unexpected financial challenges and stress. The death of a loved one will have insurance, account closings, funeral arrangements and estate expenses, in the midst of your grief and loss.

Sports & Entertainment Bookkeeping

There are some unique challenges for those in the sports world and entertainment industry. Keeping personal finances in order requires extra bookkeeping and organization, amidst travel demands, family and home responsibilities, major time demands for practice and training, and equipment purchase and repair.

Traveler’s Bookkeeping

If you find you spend significant time away from your primary home, for business or for pleasure, or if you live at more than one location during the year, keeping up on bills and banking can create unnecessary anxiety.